Having a preference of which ethnic and/or racial group of people you find attractive is not racist and should not be condemned at all.
Here's what race I find attractive in women in this order:
1. Black Women
2. South Asian Women
3. East Asian Women
4. Native American Women
5. White Women
Please note. Despite my preferences, the majority of women that I've fucked have been white women. Also women are more likely to stick to their own racial preferences than men are.
In terms of ethnicity of the races this is what I prefer:
For Black women - Afro Latinas and Light skinned black women.
For South Asian women - Any
For East Asian women - Southeast asians
For Native American women - there's hardly any full blooded but still a lot of them a just gorgeous.
For White women - The Mediterean looking ones and White Latinas
As I had said who I date is not set in stone. So even if you are white, so long as you are fine it's all good